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I am a JD student at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, a PhD student in Computer Science at Northwestern University McCormick School of Engineering, and a Law & Science Fellow in the JD-PhD program.

Research Areas

My research lies in the intersection of law and computer science. My interest spans a number of areas, including the study of applying advancement in computer science to policy problems, and in devising effective regulations for the safe deployment of new technologies.

In particular, I have interest in information security, privacy, safety and sustainability of Artificial Intelligence, and the role of Intellectual Property law in safeguarding inventions and respecting the rights of data owners to their data in the use of AI model training.


  • Giving Voice to the Silenced: Secure Reporting of Sexual Misconduct NDAs Peter K. Chan, Alyson Carrel, Mayank Varia, Xiao Wang

    Working paper. Invited short presentation for CSLAW ‘24 (Boston, MA, March 2024) Link

  • Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind: A User-View on the Criticality of the Submarine Cable Network Shucheng Liu, Zachary S. Bischof, Ishaan Madan, Peter K. Chan, Fabián E. Bustamante

    Published IMC ’20: Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, October 2020 Link


I received a Master of Science in Law in 2019, from Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, and a Master of Science in Computer Science in 2024, from Northwestern University McCormick School of Engineering.

I had legal internship experience at the Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender and judicial externship experience at the Cook County Chancery Court. I also served as legal research assistant for Prof. Paul Gowder for his book The Networked Leviathan.

Prior to graduate study, I was an entrepreneur and a software engineer. I interned at a tech startup and later founded a successful travel software company.